
How to Maintain Your Bottle Labeling Machine

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If you’ve ever purchased a new car, you’ve probably tried your best to keep it clean and maintained for as long as possible, right? This should be the same idea that you have after you invest in a bottle labeling machine. There’s no denying that purchasing a new labeling machine can be a steep investment. However, they can make all the difference in your production line. Bottle labeling machines can improve your production speed by up to 500%, which means that not taking care of your investment could be detrimental to your business. 

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When a labeling machine is not regularly cleaned or maintained, your products can end up being mislabeled. Unfortunately, mislabeled products cannot be sold to consumers and can lead to higher costs for wasted products. Additionally, labeling machines can be an expensive purchase, and failing to maintain them may shorten their life expectancy. 

Even if you are not a labeling machine expert and don’t understand all of the ins and outs of how they work, keeping them maintained is simple! Generally, bottle labeling machines are low maintenance, but there are a few things that you can do to help keep your machine running smoothly. Here are a few tips about how you can maintain your bottle labeling machine!

Why Cleaning is Important

When maintained correctly, labeling machines can last for years on end, making you a great return on investment. However, failing to do this can lead to your machine failing you sooner than expected. After making a large purchase, ensuring that it lasts as long as possible is crucial. 

Additionally, monitoring the different parts of your labeling machine can keep things from going south. For example, if the label applicator has built up residue from adhesive, the labels for your bottled product may gather or simply be applied incorrectly. When this happens, it ends up costing you in wasted product. Consumers look for products that are high-quality and neatly labeled. If you fail to keep up with your machine and try to sell mislabeled products, your sales may be negatively affected. 

When your production line begins to produce more products, it may be overwhelming at first. While cleaning and maintaining the specific parts of your labeling machine is important, wiping down the outside of it can help you maintain peace of mind. Removing any build-up or residue from the outside of your machine can help maintain its longevity and can help prevent further damage. Not only that, but your machine will look squeaky clean as well.

How to Clean

Understanding the anatomy of your bottle labeling machine is important when learning exactly how to clean it regularly. Before you get to cleaning, here are a few tips to keep in mind. First, always be sure to disconnect your machine from any power sources to prevent the risk of injury. Additionally, when wiping down your machine, be sure not to spray it down with a hose or other source. Cleaning the outside of your machine should be done by gently wiping it down with a towel. Doing this prevents any extra moisture from entering the control box on your machine!

The Wrap Station

The wrap station is the part of your machine that adheres your labels to your bottled product. While it is a crucial part of the labeler, it also has the highest potential of getting messy. This part of your machine includes a back plate, which labels often get stuck on after not being regularly cleaned. This ultimately leads to products becoming mislabeled. However, simply wiping down the back plate gently with a towel and some adhesive remover or rubbing alcohol can get your machine back up and running in no time. Roughly tearing off any leftover adhesive could further damage your machine.

The Label Head

The label head is another crucial part of your machine. Like the wrap station, labels can have the tendency to adhere to the label head when printing. Performing the same wipe-down procedure as mentioned above will help keep everything as good as new. Additionally, label heads have sensors that are crucial to your system. Gently wiping these sensors can help keep them clean and properly running.

A large part of cleaning your machinery is ensuring that all surfaces are smooth, with no lingering residue. Doing this will help your bottle labeling machine last longer!

How Often Should You Clean

How often you should be cleaning your machine depends on your rate of production. If your business is booming and production speed is high, regularly cleaning your machine once a day will prevent any mishaps. However, if you have just recently purchased a machine and you have lower production rates, you could get away with properly cleaning it every other day. 

Things to Keep in Mind

The most important part of cleaning your machine includes performing a regular maintenance check for any worn or damaged parts. Labeling machines come with many different moving pieces, and when they are regularly being used, wear and tear is inevitable. However, seeing a worn-out part on your machine is nothing to worry about. When this happens, replacing these parts is an easy process. Fortunately, Pack Leader USA has plenty of spare parts available to you for this reason. It is important to keep in mind that the earlier you find and replace these parts, the better. Waiting too long or simply gazing over them may reduce the lifespan of your machine. 

Preventative Precautions

Keeping your labeling equipment clean and maintained helps keep your production line running smoothly. These machines work hard every day to ensure that your products can be distributed to your loyal customers, which is why it’s important to show them some appreciation! Knowing inside and out how your machine works can help you recognize worn-out parts when you see them during your cleaning process. Request a free consultation where we can help you understand each part of your machine and let you know when it is time to service and when parts just need a deep cleaning.