As essential oils become popular once more, many companies are looking for bottling solutions that fit the unique needs of the industry. Notably, essential oils are typically bottled in small bottles or jars made of glass, which may or may not include droppers or other means of transferring and measuring the liquid. Finding labeling equipment that is able to produce consistent quality results with such small containers has always been a challenge, but modern technology is starting to overcome many of those difficulties.
Common Container Types
The first thing you need to think about when it comes to packaging and labeling your essential oils is what type of container you want to use. The size and shape of your container will ultimately impact what types of labeling equipment you need. The most common container types are dropper bottles, Boston round bottles, and tapered vials. Bottles typically come in clear or amber colored glass to protect the oils inside. In addition, they may be designed for use with a squeeze pipette or to be poured out. Each of these container types comes with its own set of strengths and weaknesses.
Common Problems for Essential Oil Labeling
When it comes to tiny essential oil bottles, there are some challenges that must be overcome to ensure proper label placement and adhesion before the bottles make their way to store shelves. For instance, scuffing and scratching often occur during shipping when small bottles are shipped without proper protection between them. Wrinkling of the labels happens when the label material is too thin and doesn't get applied smoothly. Small labels are easily torn, so you need to be sure that you are choosing durable label materials with a protective film that is tear-resistant. If your labels are too large for your containers, you will find that the edges of the label begin to show signs of flagging where they do not properly adhere. Finally, peeling and curling are the result of labels that are applied in cool and damp environments.
Many of the above problems can be controlled by using proper environmental controls and choosing quality materials for your products. For instance, making sure that your labeling space is dry and kept at a comfortable constant temperature will ensure that your labels adhere properly and have time to cure before being shipped off. In addition, choosing quality bottles will go a long way toward improving your results. Poor quality bottles often have irregularities that mess up the application process. Cheap bottles can also be brittle or weak, which leads to glass breakage and oil spills. The cleanup required to get things back on track can be costly and damaging to your equipment. Experts warn that there are many manufacturers offering super cheap bottles that are not built to withstand the pressures of commercial bottling equipment, even when that equipment is pressure sensitive and designed for use with very small bottles. Don't try to cut costs on bottles unless you can test a few and get a feel for their quality in advance.
Choosing a Labeling Machine
If you are ready to start shopping for a labeling machine, we invite you to contact Pack Leader USA to schedule a consultation today. Our customer service team works with you to find the right machine for your needs. We start every process by gathering samples of your bottled products and using those samples to setup a machine that is right for you. Once we have all of the specs and data together, we will send you a video and a quote demonstrating our recommendations and success rates using your products so you can see the results for yourself.
All of our machines are designed to maximize flexibility and efficiency as you move from one product batch to the next. Our intuitive one-button touchscreen system is perfect for easy setup in just minutes. You will also benefit from our simple low maintenance designs that make it easy to keep your machines up and running more of the time. All of our machines are built using Good Manufacturing Practices and ISO 9001 standards for quality control and performance.