
The 5 Most Costly Factors Facing All Manufacturers Today


Purchasing manufacturing equipment is a big decision for any business. Making a decision without knowledge and understanding can be an expensive mistake that can affect companies for years to come. Ease this daunting task by asking potential vendors about the five factors listed below.The most costly areas affecting manufacturers are as follows:

1. Production Downtime

Production downtime can be a result of product changeover, operator error, or equipment malfunction.

Equipment should be quick and easy to changeover to accommodate various products. Also, machines should be user friendly to cut back on operator error. In the event of equipment malfunction, you should have immediate access to a service technician or over-the-phone tech support upon short notice to keep production going.

 2. Unreliable Support and Parts

Many equipment fabricators offer machines at a competitive price point, but do not offer the parts and service to keep this equipment running. Wearable parts as well as standard and custom parts should be readily available.

Oftentimes equipment manufacturers will offer very low pricing on their machinery in order to get your business. Because you have no choice but to purchase parts and service from them, they will significantly mark up the prices on these items, costing a near fortune to keep you running.

3. Product Changes or Addition of New Products

Think long term. Purchase equipment that can be changed or upgraded to accommodate any future changes or new products. Keep in mind, upgrading a machine should be fairly easy and economical.

4. Inconsistent or Unreliable Equipment

Equipment should be reliable and durable, which means it should run for many years and not need to be replaced.

Consistency and accuracy of equipment means a low error rate. Machine errors can be costly as they usually lead to a damaged and unusable product.

5. Difficulty Setting up Machine According to Your Product Specifications

Ensure the company you are purchasing from allows you to see your product samples run on the equipment before you commit to purchasing. If you are simply unable to visit the company for a live demonstration, request a video.

The company should also provide you with equipment training once you have purchased the equipment so you are able to work it properly.

Contact Pack Leader USA to discuss your manufacturing needs and how we can help minimize the most costly factors with your company's equipment.