How do you know when it's time to take you bottling game to the next level with an automatic bottle labeling machine? The decision to invest in new labeling equipment is a matter of assessing cost versus productivity gains, along with improvements in quality and more. Here are a few things to think about when deciding whether or not it is time for you to get a new bottle labeling machine for your line:
1. What is Your Budget?
Labeling equipment costs money. If you have a limited budget for operating expenses and capital investments, you may be concerned that you can't afford a labeling machine right now. The good news is that bottle labeling machines come in a variety of sizes and styles, allowing you to choose the equipment that fits your budget best, whether that means starting with a tabletop labeler and moving up later, or going all in on the most advanced technology today.
2. How Much Will Productivity Grow?
A bottling labeling machine can easily double your productivity or more. If this is the case, will the cost of the machine be offset by the increased sales and reduced labor that you are seeing? What is the value of being able to ship your products sooner and get them out to twice as many stores in a given window? Remember, a 100% productivity boost is actually quite conservative. Fully automated machines can boost productivity by 3-5 times.
3. Where Are You Headed?
You may have reached a point where you simply can't keep up with labeling demands as it is. If your production is outgrowing your current labeling capabilities, you need to start planning to make the investment sooner rather than later.
An upgrade bottle labeling machine can completely change your company's potential overnight. It is never too early to start researching your labeling options and planning ahead for the equipment you will need to be successful. Don't wait until you are overwhelmed to purchase a bottle labeler for all of your excess product!