
How to Decide When to Purchase an Automatic Labeling Machine


When is the right time to invest in an automatic labeling machine?

Many companies struggle with knowing when it's the right time to invest in an automatic labeling machine for their warehouse. The simple answer is that the sooner you make the jump, the more potential you open up. Companies often wait until they are paying $30, $40, or even more per hour in labor before they realize that an automatic labeling machine would save them money.

Here are some signs that it's time to explore better labeling options.

1. You've Stopped Growing


This is probably the worst-case scenario for any small business. If your business has stopped growing because you are not able to keep up with orders due to slow labeling operations, it's time for an upgrade. Failing to upgrade when you have reached this point will damage your brand and bottom line.

2. Your Labor is Out of Control


How many people are wrapped up in daily labeling operations? Do you have three or four people hand labeling products to keep up with the rest of your production line? 

Purchasing an automatic labeling machine will reduce the amount of waste that is eating up your budget in labor. Even with the upfront cost of the machine and ongoing maintenance expenses, the reduction in staff is more than enough to pay you back quickly.

3. You Are Labeling More Than 5 Products Per Minute


It doesn't make sense to try keeping up with your production line if you know that it will cause the labeling process to be rushed or suffer in quality. More than likely, getting five labels per minute out of your team on an ongoing basis that passes quality control means that you need more than one person dedicated to the task.

There are inexpensive but versatile automatic labeling machines that can label as many as 20 items per minute accurately and consistently. 

4. You Need Increased Brand Awareness


Your business growth potential is only as great as the weakest link in your process. If you have previously neglected invests in labeling, it is time for an upgrade. Continuing to pour money into your other production machines won't add any additional value to your business until customers can recognize your products on the shelf and place their trust in you.

Labeling is one of the most vital, customer-centric parts of the production process because it puts a solid image and name in the mind of the people who will determine the fate of your brand. Failing to give them a strong label to relate to is keeping you from becoming a household name.

Stop putting off the purchase of labeling equipment

If you have been putting off the purchase of an automatic labeling machine because you are waiting for a better time or a sign that you're ready to take on such a big decision, now is the time.

Look around your operation today and consider what it is costing you to not have an efficient labeling system in place.

When you take into account the value of your brand's image and the additional labor that would be required to keep up with your labeling needs, it is easy to see that investing in a labeling machine has the potential to push your business forward.